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advices of Giacometto

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Radio control for Cranes.

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T.R.O.L.L. is the running line tensiometer, with overload limiter function, designed and "produced in Europe".
    ASMI snc manufactures Electronic and Electromechanical Load Limiters, Load Cells, Weighing Systems, Accessories for Lifting, Running Line Tensiometer, Dynamometers, Fastening Systems for Rails and Honing Tools.
Path: Logistics | Gravity Systems

Gravity Systems

These racks are the best solution for the management and handling of goods that require an optimal rotation.
This system lends itself optimally for management of storage and retrieval logic in FIFO (First In First Out).

It's infact provided the sliding of the goods on rollers with guided and safe movements until they reach the pickup position with considerable savings of time and space optimization.

The system is applicable both for light loads (loose goods, boxes, packs. Etc.. Etc..) and both for heavy loads (pallets) with suitable systems for roller conveyors designed for this purpose depending on the dimesion, and weight of the side of forking of UDC.

Furthermore, these plants, can be made in the contrary sense of storage (counter-slope type) that's used where the storage's logic is LIFO (Last In First Out)

Example of light shelving gravity system.

In this example a typical pallet racking.