s.n.c. di Michelon Giuliano & C.
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T.R.O.L.L. is the running line tensiometer, with overload limiter function, designed and "produced in Europe".
    ASMI snc manufactures Electronic and Electromechanical Load Limiters, Load Cells, Weighing Systems, Accessories for Lifting, Running Line Tensiometer, Dynamometers, Fastening Systems for Rails and Honing Tools.
Path: Dynamometers

Dynamometers and dynamometric shackles

A.S.M.I. s.n.c. commercializes and manufactures a wide range of products aimed at weighing "under the hook" as:

dynamometers and dynamometric omega shackles .

The standard range of dynamometers includes the following models:

ModelCapacity (kg)
M/A DIN-1T                  
50 - 100 - 300 - 600 -1.000
M/A DIN-3,2T
M/A DIN-6,3T
M/A DIN-10T10.000
M/A DIN-3T6 - 15 - 30 - 60 - 150 - 300 - 600
M/A DIN-042.500 - 5.000 - 10.000 - 25.000
M/A DIN-TXH17.000 - 25.000 - 35000 - 50.000 - 100.000

All models are supplied in stylish cases and, where indicated, complete with mounting accessories, such as uniballs or crickets.

Completes a comprehensive manual of use and maintenance, the certificate of load cell calibration and the

All dynamometers series M / A DIN-TXH are also provided of handhelds to the weight reading.

Grillo Omega con sistema integrato di pesatura
Electronic dynamometer with various models and capacities up to 1,000 kg
Series of scales with capacities 3,2 t 6,3 t and 10t
Electronic dynamometer for flow rates up to 600 kg
Electronic Dynamometer with high precision
Dynamometer for high flow rates with weight display on handheld
Handheld for reading weight received from dynamometers series DIN-THX